Friday, August 15, 2008

From the Alumni newsletter:

The Board of Trustees Reappoints Dean Shields
The board of trustees met on August 4, 2008, to consider the report and recommendations of the Dean Evaluation Committee (DEC). Following the recommendation of the DEC, the board of trustees unanimously and enthusiastically voted to offer Dean Shields an additional five-year appointment as our president and dean.
Board Chair Scott Cameron '80 thanks all the members of the VLS community for their participation in the evaluation. Alumni input was vital to this process. 

Alumni participation????  Rrrrright!  I wonder how high tuition will jump in the coming years.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

VLS Inc.

From all appearances, Dean Shields runs VLS like a typical modern corporate CEO (e.g. ExxonMobil, Chase Bank, Enron etc.). Here is a man that is no doubt a millionaire in his own right, an enormous salary from VLS comparitevly speaking (in a state where cost of living is ridiculously low compared to Chicago) and he tries every way he can to make sure he doesn't have to foot the bill for any parties etc. Such as hiring students to cater, so that they can be paid from federal work study funds. Seriously, at $10/hr for one evening, he can't take that out of his own pocket? Hell, even most of us out of school could afford that!
Is the decaying modern American corporate culture permeating "VLS, Inc."?  I so hope not.  

Speakers for graduation

Since tuition is so high, do you think that you should at least get a decent speaker at graduation? I know we got screwed! The best part was our class speaker, actually more entertaining than all of the speakers.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A SCAM!!!!!

While I don't find law school a scam, this is good food for thought.

Good luck on the Bar!

Something to ponder

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Form a comment I made earlier...

This is not to say we are horrible, but when potential employers are armed with this, and we are already coming from a tier 3 law school, AND you aren't trying to practice public interest law, it doesn't help.

This is promising!

168 out of 185

Sunday, July 13, 2008

From Admissions to Career Services

Do you think that they are really doing their jobs? Do you think that the "Dean" is picking the best people that will go out in the world and best represent VLS? Do you get all the help you can from Career Services? Feel confident you will find a job?

Just curious what you think?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

An article worth reading

The ABA speaks out on greedy law schools

Your tuition...

Do you feel as if your tuition dollars are being used properly for the good of the school? Do you realize tuition was $27k year in 2001. Why so high now? Is it doing good for the VLS community? What are your thoughts?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quality of the student body

Do you feel as if all of your classmates are/were qualified to attend law school? If not, why? We would love to hear your thoughts. Don't forget that a few years back, the school admitted a student that was a fraud and was going to the school under a stolen identity. An identity that had been reported stolen before she became a student! Cindy Bogan was her name.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tell of your success since graduating from Vermont Law School

Feel free to share your experiences since you became a VLS grad!  Tell us if you think you're tuition dollars were worth the investment.